Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Is A Career a Calling or Choice?
by: Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.
How much of our career path is destiny and how much is free will? In my opinion, it is 50/50. We are given a life map at the beginning of our lives, and there are things we are meant to learn, people we are meant to meet, work we are meant to perform. But many of us are not tuned into ourselves and the signs that are presented to us. We often miss important information, and miss out on those lessons, people, and jobs.
The use of free will comes about when we are presented with options. Choices are really curves in our path. We can choose to take the long route, or the quicker, easier route. No path is better, it just impacts how quickly we move along our route, but remember: when climbing the mountain of self discovery, taking the long, hard, scenic route can be a rather enjoyable, enlightening experience.
Confucius once said, "Choose a career you love and you will never work another day in your life." If you think about this, what a different experience we could have in our work lives. If we actually loved the work we were doing, it wouldn't seem so much like our traditional concept of work (drudgery/pain). Think about it! How many jobs have you had that you dreaded going to? What are some of the differences between a job, a career, and your life's work? Let's define it.
A job is something you get paid to do (money is the primary motivation). It is easy to perform because there is not much challenge, and you will eventually find other work to do.
It may or may not fully engage you. Spirit may or may not be present.
A career is something you get paid to do that is viewed as a profession (status or identity is the motivation). It may provide more challenge, but after a while, you may get burned out, and choose to stop doing it.
It may or may not fully engage you. Spirit may or may not be present.
Your life's work is something you do whether you get paid for it or not (your soul's need for expression is the motivation). There is plenty of challenge and personal meaning. You will always want to do it.
It definitely fully engages you. Spirit is present.
Remember that a job can get you started toward your life's work. In fact, jobs provide the very important element of exposure to different kinds of industries. Take for example, a woman who started out working in a department store as a clerk, who moved into a management position, and finally created her life's work as an independent contractor who trains others in customer service skills.
Get Smart!
If everyone in the world could create their life's work (and they can!)—if everyone could find what they were meant to do in life, how much happier and fulfilled we all would be!
We all want to "do it right," and maximize our efforts to get the most out of whatever we do. For our diet, we're concerned about the best time to eat.
Hartman Luggage Â… A Trunkmaker's Saga! by: Mike Yeager Hartman luggage has been around for a while. The advent of the steam engine in the mid 1820s heralded the first wave of mass tourism.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Television on Your Schedule with a Digital Video Recorder (DVR)
by: Becky Jacobs
The introduction of the VCR changed so much for the television viewer. Before the introduction of the VCR, you had to watch the show when it was broadcast by the network – that was your only option. If you recorded your favorite show, you were able to watch it when you wanted to – and as many times as you wanted to. All you needed was a blank video tape and a VCR. That has all changed with the DVR.
A DVR, or Digital Video Recorder, is technology that takes all the great features of a VCR and places it in the digital age. Instead of multiple tapes, you have a single hard drive. Instead of degrading tape quality issues, shows are now recorded digitally that can last forever. Instead of programming a VCR through a complicated interface of tiny buttons on a remote control, you can program your DVR through a simple point and click interface, possibly even from your home computer.
In addition to the ability to watch your shows whenever you want to, there is another benefit to the DVR that most people only mention quietly – the ability to quickly forward through your commercials. With everything being digital, a 30 second skip can be done with the click of a button. Imagine getting back 10 minutes of your life back for every hour of television your watch!
DVRs come in many shapes and sizes. There are set-top boxes that go right on your television set. They don't require any other products to work. Some brand names of these options include Tivo and ReplayTV. Many satellite companies (and digital cable companies) such as Dish Network and Direct TV have options as well. Microsoft Windows Media Center is an option for Windows users. There are also options for the Mac and/or Linux user.
Once you have a DVR record your shows, you can watch them whenever you want. Some systems even let you transfer the content to a DVD or your laptop.
The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) changes everything for the television viewer. I hope you can join the revolution.
This can, however, be your best time of the year if you follow this plan:1. Participate in Lots of Holiday GatheringsWho knows? You may meet Mr.
Thrush have also come to be known as song birds as they have many attractive songs.Thrushes belong to the Family Turdidae which also includes: Yemen Thrush Olive Thrush Olivaceous Thrush Comoro Thrush Kurrichane Thrush African Thrush African Bare-eyed Thrush Grey-backed Thrush Tickell's Thrush Black-breasted Thrush Japanese Thrush White-collared Blackbird Ring Ouzel Grey-winged Blackbird Island Thrush Chestnut Thrush White-backed Thrush Grey-sided Thrush Eyebrowed Thrush Pale Thrush Brown-headed Thrush Izu Thrush Dark-throated thrush Black-throated Thrush Red-throated Thrush Redwing Song Thrush Chinese Thrush Mistle Thrush Red-legged Thrush Chiguanco Thrush Sooty Robin Great Thrush Black Robin Glossy-black Thrush Andean Slaty Thrush Eastern Slaty ThrushThrush are often found in open woods and land that is mostly cultivated over all of Europe and much of Asia. Many of the northern birds migrate south during the winter.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What Do You Need To Know About Sleeping Disorders
by: Mansi Gupta
Finally another strenuous day prowls to its end…hefty eyes die to shut down and do not reopen till they bask in the fairytale world, for when we live the rituals of the day, why not terminate with the custom of the night…a wonderful sleep! But seldom it happens that you get absorbed in the sleep that seems as enigmatic as the hoary mummies in Egypt, for today seven out of ten people suffer from sleeping disorders consciously or unconsciously. The sleep chaos can be minor, slight objectionable like restless leg syndrome to major nagged ones such as snoring, kicking and insomnia etc.
An individual's mental as well as physical condition is accountable for the sleeping chaos. Acute stress and agitating perennial thoughts or brooding mind are primary psychotic reasons; illness, aching or wounded body produce physical disturbance in sleep. Generally, people confronting regular limb (hip, knee, toe and the like) movement problems are the ones who suffer from disorders like restless leg syndrome.
The article takes a look at some regularly visible slumber difficulties, their causes, effects and cures.
Insomnia is a paradigm sleeping disorder. It is the name given to lack of sleep at night, often followed by walking in a semi-conscious state and feeling tired. Though the insomniac feels soporific yet sleep does not blanket him.
Insomnia is related to fretfulness, depression and learning disorders as its causes. One major factor behind broken sleep is the deficiency of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep or the period of sleep when the brain is working-dream sleep. Disturbed cycles of REM signify unstable naturally working metabolism of the body, which in turn indicates a distorted sleep along with uneasiness throughout the day.
It is not the case that only the person who is suffering from a slumber upset is only troubled by it but the one sharing his bed is even bereaved of a sound sleep. Sleep Apnea is one amongst such sleeping disorders that fetches enormous problems for the patient's partner. This is because the patient starts feeling irritated and tired while sleeping, does loud snoring and ceases to breathe for quite a few seconds after which he resumes his breath. The amount of this uneasiness is quite disturbing for the one who is sleeping next to the patient.
Throat collapsing while sleeping, blocked airways and unavailability of the breathing command by the brain are some of the universally accepted causes behind sleep apnea. Besides these extra weight or obesity is an impediment in breathing, stoutness thus is another factor that contributes to the development of sleep apnea.
Another threatening disorder that is known for the person's performing activities viz. brushing his teeth, sleep paralysis, horrifying dreams and wakefulness amidst sleepiness is Narcolepsy. In case left untreated, Narcolepsy can worsen with time and lead to serious repercussions.
Slumber disorders can be treated with medicines and several other psychotic therapies. The foremost category of medicines to treat slumber disorders are dopaminergic drugs. Dopamine is a chemical made in the brain, it aids in the transfer of messages from brain cells to other brain cells and in locomotion of the body. Benzodiaepines and Opioids are subsequent types of drugs. Some of the largely prescribed medicines are Ambein, Sonata and Lunesta. Apart from the medicines a change in lifestyle is also extremely beneficial and wonderful idea. Conjoined with many other things, the change should specially include inculcating healthy eating habits and avoiding stress.
Whitetail Deer Management by: John Cook The deer management techniques that we use on our property have changed a lot over the past thirty years in relation with the changing deer herd.
Yet there are fish feeding actively below the surface. So, you put the fly (nymph) to the fish.Nymph fishing is probably the most challenging of all fly fishing techniques.
Monday, July 20, 2009
No quit in Ticats' working class heroes

A quick question for Dave Stala and DeAndra' Cobb: Don't either of you know when to quit?
Apparently not. And that's what makes two of the newest Tiger-Cats true sons of Hamilton вЂ" one literally and the other spiritually.
Together they've supplied key moments that have the Ticats sitting at 2-1 in the early going of the 2009 CFL season, and if you don’t think that’s significant consider the last time Hamilton was better than .500 was 2004.
Both could have been forgiven for giving up the pro football dream.
Stala used to be a rising Canadian star in the CFL, but when he hauled in the clinching touchdown against Winnipeg at home last Saturday night (and promptly fell into the waiting arms of about a half-dozen delirious local folks to whom he gave the ball) it marked his first major score in over two full seasons.
The last time he'd seen the end zone was as a Montreal Alouettes slot back in Game 18 of 2006 вЂ" a year he caught 38 balls in what was itself an injury shortened ride.
A bad foot problem in early 2007 put him on the sidelines for all but two pass completions, and there were none in 2008.
But there was no quit. And when Montreal, Edmonton and Hamilton offered contracts for this year, he went for it and chose to come home to the Hammer, where he’d attended Cathedral High School.
“It’s a livelihood, it’s something I do,” said Stala, 29, basking in the early afternoon sun after a practice at Ivor Wynne Stadium and trying to come up with an explanation for his still being here.
“This is the greatest job that anyone could have throughout their lifetime. I don’t think an injury is going to hold me back from coming out here.”
Galaxy regrets Beckham exchange with heckler

Los Angeles Galaxy general manager and coach Bruce Arena issued a statement Monday expressing regret for the verbal exchange between midfielder David Beckham and a heckler in Sunday's 2-2 draw in a friendly with AC Milan.
"We regret the incident that happened at the end of the first half of last night's friendly at the Home Depot Center," Arena said.
At intermission, Beckham strolled toward the section of fans known as the Riot Squad to speak to the heckler, who leapt from the seats onto the pitch and was arrested for trespassing.
"One of the guys was saying things that really weren't very nice and kind of stepped over the line," Beckham said. "I walked over and said, 'You need to calm down.'"
Liberia's former president denies trading arms for diamonds
Former Liberian president Charles Taylor has challenged anyone to find a bank account in his name holding illicit funds or "blood diamonds" from the civil war in Sierra Leone.
In his second week of testimony at his war crimes trial, Taylor denied any role in forming the guerrilla force that invaded Sierra Leone in 1991, in helping plan the rebel incursion, in training the rebel forces or in commanding their operations.

"I was never involved. It's a lie," he told the U.N-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone sitting in The Hague on Monday.
Taylor is charged with 11 counts of murder, torture and recruiting child soldiers for supporting rebels in Sierra Leone's 1991-2002 civil war. His allegedly amputated civilians' limbs, ears and noses to intimidate the population into submission.
He is the first African head of state to be brought before an international court for war crimes.
Frequently agitated and thumping his desk, Taylor dismissed claims that he accepted diamonds in exchange for arms from Sierra Leone rebel leader Foday Sankoh.
"That never happened. It is blatantly untrue," he said.
Referring to allegations that he had stashed millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts, Taylor said: "I challenge the United Nations and any human being on this planet to bring one bank account" to the court. "Bring the millions here, please," he said.
Obama extends order to freeze Taylor's assets
On Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama signed a one-year extension to a 2004 executive order blocking Taylor's assets in the United States and those belonging to his wives, immediate family and senior officials of his regime.
The order said Taylor's "unlawful depletion of Liberian resources" and the spiriting of funds and property out of his country "continue to undermine Liberia's transition to democracy" and its political and economic development.
Allegations that Taylor was instrumental in creating and commanding Sierra Leone's rebel force known as the Revolutionary United Front, or RUF, was a key element of the prosecution's case, presented by 91 witnesses since the trial began in January 2008.
'I challenge the United Nations and any human being on this planet to bring one bank account [to the court]. Bring the millions here, please.' вЂ"Former Liberian president Charles Taylor
"I played no part whatsoever in organizing the RUF, none whatsoever," Taylor told the judges. "I had no knowledge in March 1991, or before then, that a group calling itself RUF was either planning or organizing or training to attack Sierra Leone, not at all."
He acknowledged that he began co-operating with the RUF after meeting Sankoh for the first time five months after the incursion. Both his forces and Sankoh's were fighting a third rebel outfit known as ULIMO, which controlled a swath of territory on their common border.
He said he gave Sankoh small amounts of ammunition, a vehicle for himself and sent men to Sierra Leone to join forces with the RUF against ULIMO.
Taylor, who staged his own assault in 1989 to oust Liberian president Samuel Doe (who was killed in 1990), said that in 1991 he was still fighting remnants of Doe's forces as well as a Nigerian-led African peacekeeping force sent to put down his revolution.
"We did not send arms (to the RUF). We were still fighting and we needed everything we could get for ourselves," he said.
Taylor said he broke off all contact with Sankoh in May 1992 after Sankoh complained that Taylor's troops had murdered and raped civilians in Sierra Leone. The charge was true, he said, and the general in charge was court-martialed and executed.
But Taylor blamed Sankoh for failing to prevent fighting that erupted between their two forces, even though he had told the Sierra Leonean rebel leader that he was taking action against his guilty officers.
"I was upset. I was angry," he said, and ordered his men to withdraw back to Liberia. He said he never spoke to Sankoh again for seven years.
Taylor said the prosecution's accusations that he swapped arms for diamonds was an attempt to "demonize" him.
"They make you look like the scum of the earth so they can destroy you. I am a revolutionary and I have respect for myself," Taylor said.
Caribbean Villas Made for Two
by: Paris Permenter & John Bigley
For some couples, the idea of real island romance is a private villa, without other guests. Just the two of you -- alone, except for the occasional visit by a cook or maid who is there to meet your special requests, to introduce you to island cuisine, and to make you feel pampered in what really is your home away from home. St. John, St. Thomas, Jamaica, and Barbados are especially popular islands for villa rentals.
Villas vary in price, services, and level of luxury. Before you make a commitment, check:
maid service. Many villas offer maid service before your arrival and after your departure; additional cleaning can be arranged for a surcharge. At other properties, you may have daily maid service. Check with your villa management company.
groceries. Can you send a deposit for groceries and have a cook stock up before your arrival? Finding a refrigerator and cabinets ready with your favorites can be a big boost after a long flight.
cook service. Many villas can arrange for cook service as you choose: three meals a day, dinner only, or just one special meal. In Jamaica, villas typically include cook service. Check your options.
air conditioning. Don't assume your villa is air conditioned; ever-present trade winds make this an optional feature. If it's more of a necessity than an option to you, inquire.
car rental. Many villas are located away from the resort areas. See if you should rent a car to avoid pricey taxi rides for long hauls.
minimum stay. Unlike hotel minimums of three nights, villas often require a minimum seven night rental.
Many resorts also offer villa rentals. These homes are located on the resort property and guests enjoy the security and services of the resort while at the same time having the space and facilities of a villa home.
A good fitness center has their members as their number one priority. They are customer service oriented.
A lack of this vitamin can cause such woes as night blindness, poor bone growth, dry skin, and weak tooth enamel.Doctors recommend 10,000 IU a day for an adult male, and 8,000 per day for adult females to maintain healthy nutrition habits.Vitamin C is another one of the most important vitamins for maintaining your health. 60 milligrams per day are recommended for adults of both sexes.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
TOP TEN Best NFL Players
by: Leigh D
Honorable Mentions: Randy Moss, Marvin Harrison, and Terrell Owens- Hard to select one and not the others, all are great players, but all also have questions Owens and Moss have character issues, Moss takes plays off, Owens will drop the easy passes, and Harrison tends to find the sideline instead of taking a hit.
Jevon Kearse- If he could stay healthy it would be too hard to ignore a man that size that moves that fast.
10) Tony Gonzalez-te-KC Is starting to slow a little, but is still the standard to which all other tight ends are measured. Still top receiving TE, and is an underrated blocker, but not needed much as blocker, threat as receiver alone creates space for running game.
9) Duante Culpepper-qb-MIN Physically is easily most impressive quarterback in the league; he is huge, but remarkably quick especially for his size. Has shown great progress, and has developed over last 2 years into a top tier quarterback, not just an athlete playing qb (Once Micheal Vick learns same lesson he too will be in top half of this list)
8) Priest Holmes-rb-KC Most think that he should be even higher on this list, but part of Priest's great touchdown numbers can be attributed to the offense/system that he plays in. The offense is set up to get Priest the ball, and to get him the touchdowns. The fact that he does succeed so well, and sometimes make it look so easy is what puts him on this list.
7) Ahman Green-rb-GB Anyone who can supplant Brett Favre as mvp of the Packers has to be a special player. Green is a great back who forced the Packers to evolve from a passing team to a running team to take advantage of his talents
6) Chris McAllister-db-BAL The popular barroom debates surround the best qb's or best rb's, but the toughest call may very well be who the best corner in the league is; there are 2 on this list, and 3 or 4 more who came very close.
5) Champ Bailey-db-DEN There is a reason why Denver was willing to give up on highly touted (perhaps to highly) Clinton Portis. Bailey and McAllister both are very similar shutdown cornerbacks, and the bonus is that unlike a lot of db's in the league they should not be affected by the new rules concerning pass defending, as neither really relied on being physical to be successful.
4) Peyton Manning-qb-IND Just his leadership qualities alone give him such an advantage of many other quarterbacks, but he also is an extremely accurate passer, that has great vision and presence. He is simply the best pure quarterback in the league.
3) Jonathan Ogden-ol-BAL Jamal Lewis gets all the accolades for his record setting season in 2003, but Ogden and the rest of the line deserve a lot of credit for helping Lewis gain his 2000 yards. What was most impressive was that every defense that Baltimore faced all season all keyed on stopping the Ravens running game, but lead by Ogden the line still found ways to create holes against 8 man fronts.
2) Ladainian Tomlinson-rb-SD If the Chargers had actually managed a .500 record LT would have had a strong case for MVP last season. (led team in rushing and receiving). Of course the fact that the Chargers are so bad makes Tomlinson's accomplishments even more impressive.
1) Ray Lewis-lb-BAL His physical talents are obvious, what separates Lewis from others are the intangibles; his intensity, his intelligence, and his leadership. No matter how offenses try to account for him, or just plain avoid him, Lewis always manages to find a way to always be around the ball.
Live Longer By Exercising - Part 1 by: Tracie Johanson The goal of this article is answer the question "WHY DO WE EXERCISE?"Now, I know what you're all thinking: WE EXERCISE TO LOSE FAT SO WE CAN LOOK GOOD! To be honest, that's the reason why most of us exercise, and THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!But did you know that exercise gives us some MUCH more substantial benefits than just looking good? It's true! If you're working out at Pick Up The Pace just to look good, then consider these other benefits just a bonus!Regular exercise has been proven to:1) FIGHT OBESITY - Obesity is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes.2) IMPROVE PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE - Resistance training will increase muscle size, strength and endurance.
Tips on finding the best prices on airlines tickets for cheap flights. by: Mike Yeager Finding the right priced airlines tickets for cheap flights is an important part of travel these days. There are many, many different options for you to take advantage of when trying to locate cheap airfare.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
2003... Got Goals?
by: Paul Shearstone
Inspiration without application improves nothing, benefits no one and fans the flames of mediocrity! … Paul Shearstone 2002
2003….Got Goals?
By Paul Shearstone
Ask anybody on January 2nd 2003 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you like a small goat discovering a new fence for the first time.
All good intentions aside, exhaustive studies have shown only 3% of the population engage in some form of goal-setting and only 1% on average, write them down.
It should be noted that there is no small coincidence in the 1% that write goals down and the highest achieving, highest income-earning men and women around the world.
Setting goals is the genesis from which things great and not so great are accomplished. Read any book on achievement or watch the Biography Channel and see the quintessential message is clear: Goals = Success!
If it's that simple though, why is it then, are most people so unsuccessful in the fundamentals of Real goal-setting?
One legitimate answer may be our generation is busier than any generation in the past. Life today is not static and our preoccupation with just trying to 'get by' runs juxtaposed to the activities needed for maintaining concentrated goal achievement. Fair enough.
On the other hand, these same studies I mentioned are just as clear on the real reason most people - the ones who bother to set goals - will never achieve them. They don't write them down relying rather they be left to our memories to manage.
In my soon to be released Thought Book, I wrote: Your goals are future landmarks on paths created by You.
Goal experts, however, will be quick to point out, "Unwritten goals are nothing more than Wishes"... and we know the world is full of people with plenty of wishes. Go to any lottery office or anywhere they sell things like DotCom Stock. In one place they wish they'd bought more, in the other they wish they hadn't bought any at all!
Real goal-achievement has so nothing to do with merely wishing or thinking of what we'd like to accomplish and everything to do with Not Forgetting.
As the young man once said, "My memory is the thing I use to forget with". If we buy-off on the precept, we are now the busiest, most preoccupied generation, it's no stretch then to believe the experts when they say, "Goals left only to memory are destined to fade like so many wishes".
Before we look for the remedy to the goal-achievement challenge, it's important we understand the fundamental psychology of goal setting. That is to say, how it works.
Psychological studies on the highest achieving men and women demonstrate, people with clear, specific goals, immediately and by default, become psychologically Goal Oriented individuals. [No mystery there].
Since goals take place in the future, those with goals also by default become psychologically, motivationally, Future Oriented individuals.
Finally, since we can agree we go to the trouble of having goals because we want to achieve them, another automatic psychological outcome is we immutably become psychologically, motivationally, human-behaviorally, actively, Success Oriented individuals.
[To put that into perspective, we can all think of people we know who are naturally, Failure Oriented individuals].
These hallmarks are known as the Three Unique Psychological Success Orientations - the stuff that governs everything we do in the present, the moment, the now, as we go about our lives putting people, places and things together to affect positive outcomes in the future as it relates to our goals.
That is, however, if we don't forget them!
The good news is, the simple act of reviewing our goals and activities on a daily basis, serves, in and of itself, to ensure we don't forget them - thereby keeping them fresh, clear, specific and at the front of our mind.
As mentioned and psychological studies show, unforgotten goals quite naturally engender Unique Psychological Success Orientations that by default, impact in a positive way, our thoughts and activities as we go through our lives focused undauntedly in the moment on things we wish to accomplish.
The Bottom Line:
Those without goals, more often than not, find themselves directionless relying mostly on things like luck. Goal-Setting is only the first step. Constant Goal-Review is the activity that ensures Goal-Achievement and Success!
Costs Associated With Kitesurfing by: Jakob Jelling Getting involved in the extreme sport of KiteSurfing might be more costly than you think, when in all actuality it's relatively inexpensive to get started. Depending on what type of Kite, board and lines you purchase the bottom line will always be to buy the safest products possible at the lowest price.Two popular manufacturers are Wipika and Kiteski.
It was my first visit since the tragic September 11th attack. Although I've traveled this same route--the commuter train to the Hoboken station from 1996-2000--there were now, of course, changes in the environment when I got to Hoboken.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential – Part 2
by: Paul M. Jerard Jr.
You can be the creator of your own manifest destiny. Through daily meditation practice and focus on changing your life for the better. In fact, you have the ability to redefine yourself in any direction you desire. The power that you can cultivate is limited only by your own imagination.
As I have mentioned earlier, this will change the lives of people who you come into frequent contact with. Therefore, you must always be kind, trustworthy, and considerate to others. You should make a change in that direction at this very moment.
Why the sudden need for character improvement? It goes hand-in-hand with using power and influence wisely. Remember Lord Acton's saying: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The power of your mind has the ability to alter reality. Therefore, this is a power that must be controlled.
How is this possible? Here is an example: If you had two identical twin boys, who haven't eaten for two days, and you put an apple in front of them; what would they do?
Most likely, they would fight over it, and the winner would eat, most or, all of it. You and I know they should divide it equally, but each of them has really felt starvation, and that is a reality you and I do not feel at the moment. So we are not talking about imagination, but three legitimate points of view, that each becomes our own reality.
Meditation will allow your mind to see multiple points of view, without judgment. If you can see only one point of view, you haven't meditated long enough. The best leaders, negotiators, and diplomats, know that you have to understand the opposing viewpoint, to move forward, on any issue. There is always justification, on both sides, in any conflict, but true compromise is meeting the opposition in a different reality, than you both started from.
If you had the ability to travel in the space shuttle, your view of earth, from within your space vehicle, would be much different from the person living in poverty, within a refugee camp. You could not see, or feel, that person's pain, and each of you would have a vivid picture of life on earth.
You can meditate from a mountain top, but once you have seen the full picture, you have an obligation to help mankind, with acts of kindness. Once you have discovered how easy it is to help others, you are no longer struggling with; "who is right and who is wrong."
Your new reality becomes, "how can I help?"
It's just a way to share our unease of growing older with people around us.Try as we might, time marches on and we get older just the same. I was reminded about this when I recently read that we are now seven million years old.
For instance, a child's growing body requires high levels of calcium and iron, sometimes even more than adults. Iron is crucial to a child's development since it is used in developing strong muscles and producing blood, while calcium helps bones and teeth grow strong.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Have Pet ... Can Travel
by: Gerry Neustatl
If you are reading this, I guess you have a pet, need a holiday and don't want to waste your next hard-earned break watching round-the-clock rubbish on televsion. In days gone many pet owners simply did not go on holidays! "Why", I would ask them, and the answer was always the same: "Because we own a pet."
Fortunately pet owners have more options than they used to. These days you can often take your pet with you. Otherwise you can leave it in a secure boarding kennel or cattery, or even commission a pet minding service to visit and service your pet in its familiar environment. But which option is right for you and your pet?
So now you've taken the first step and put in for some annual leave. Your vacation is coming up... but what are you going to do with the family pet?
Option One: Pet Friendly Holidaying
Taking your pet with you on holidays is an option particularly popular among dog owners whose charges travel well. Gone are the days when travelling "pet friendly" meant rotting linoleum and a leaky roof. Many holiday venue operators now recognise that most pet owners are responsible adults who will look after a nice house in order to be invited back.
When travelling don't forget to take frequent rests, pack water for the travel along with your dog's water bowl, and don't leave your dog to bake in your car! You'll generally also be required to bring your pet's bedding, food and food containers.
Your pet should also be fully vaccinated, wormed and on a current flea treatment program. A first aid kit including tweezers or tick removers as well as antiseptic makes good sense, especially if there are likely to be ticks in the area.
Other pets can make excellent travel companions - cats and horses, for example, are welcomed at many holiday venues these days.
FOLLOW THE RULES: If you will be having your pet with you on holidays there are likely to be conditions. Find out what they are and follow them or you will not be welcomed back!
AVOID THE TELEVISION. Hopefully there isn't a TV there, but if there is, don't turn it on. You can watch TV at home and there are too many exciting things to do with your pet, friends and family, like bush walking, swimming... no, don't reach for the remote control. Make the most of your holiday and enjoy the Great Outdoors!
There are times when you can't take your pet with you, such as overseas holidays, business trips and when you are holidaying in regions that don't permit pets. So what are your options?
Option Two: In Home Pet Minding Services
If your pet is unlikely to fret excessively in your absence it can make sense to leave them in their familiar territory. A Pet Minder can visit your pet in your home or garden, supplying food, entertainment, a walk and maybe even a bath in your absence.
Leaving a pet in the house can even assist with security - who's going to break in when Cujo's guarding the front door?
As an added bonus a pet minder will often undertake additional duties including collecting mail, putting out the garbage and watering the plants. They can often attend to the other members of your family including fish, mice, birds etc.
Keeping up your dog's exercise regime is important. If your chosen pet minder cannot exercise your pet then arrange for a family member or professional dog walker to look after this for you.
When interviewing for a pet minder, it is OK, and expected that you will ask for references.
Not all dogs and cats are suited to staying home while you're away, especially if you'll be gone for an extended period. If your pet is likely to fret terribly, howl through the night, disturb neighbours or go wandering, then a boarding facility might be a better option for your pet's safety and security!
Option Three: Boarding Kennels and Catteries
A boarding kennel or cattery can provide a safe environment in your absence. Your pet will be fed according to the diet that you have prearranged - many boarding services can cater for the fussiest of animals.
Most boarding kennels have excellent exercise options available as well as ready access to a vet in case of emergency.
Know what to look for! Most boarding kennels and catteries are happy to show you through their premises if you make an appointment, but I favour boarding facilities that welcome your inspection without an appointment. Who knows what might get swept under the rug!
Your holiday - Relax and enjoy yourself
Now that your pets are taken care of, go and enjoy your holiday! Hang on a moment... what about the kids?
Although I had spent previous summers camping alone while conducting fieldwork in remote areas, this was to be my first journey overseas, to a country known variously for coca growing, revolution, and the final resting place of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.La Paz is nestled in a series of steep valleys that are eroded in a jagged, blasted moonscape of sun-baked volcanic rock. One of the city parks is called "Valle de la Lunas" or Valley of the Moon.
We closed the shop dead on 6 o'clock (usually we don't leave till gone 7). We were cashed up, loaded up and off to our own secret flying site in Kent by 6.30.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Lumsden reinjures shoulder in Eskimos' debut

Jesse Lumsden's much-anticipated debut with the Edmonton Eskimos lasted less than one quarter.
Lumsden, the son of former Eskimos fullback Neil Lumsden, hurt his left shoulder with 33 seconds left in the first quarter of Thursday's season opener versus the visiting Winnipeg Blue Bombers at Commonwealth Stadium.
It is the same shoulder that required surgery in each of the last two winters, and limited him to 19 games over the past two seasons.
"It is his shoulder again," Eskimos rookie head coach Richie Hall told TSN at intermission. "I don't know what the final prognosis is."
Lumsden, 26, caught a pass out of the backfield and was injured on a tackle by Blue Bombers linebacker Siddeeq Shabazz, who struck him flush on the shoulder.
Television replays revealed that Lumsden lowered the shoulder to absorb the hit.
To that point, he rushed twice for five yards and caught three passes for 20 yards.
Trainers looked to be trying to pop the shoulder back into place before Lumsden headed for the locker room.
He reportedly was taken to a local hospital for X-rays.
Signed Feb. 17 with Eskimos
Lumsden, born in Edmonton but raised in Burlington, Ont., signed Feb. 17 with the Eskimos following four injury-prone seasons with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.
The bruising running back has averaged an impressive 6.3 yards per carry in the CFL, compiling 1,797 yards and nine touchdowns on 285 carries, and seemed the perfect choice to shore up Edmonton's ground game вЂ" the league's worst last season.
Lumsden, the 2004 Hec Crighton Trophy winner as Canada's top collegiate player, was selected sixth overall by Hamilton in the 2005 CFL draft, but signed with the Seattle Seahawks.
After failing to make the Seahawks out of training camp, he inked a deal with the Tiger-Cats on Sept. 12, 2005.
Lumsden rushing for 370 yards and one touchdown in five starts that season before returning to the NFL.
He was released by the Washington Redskins on Aug. 29, 2006, and re-signed with the Tiger-Cats two weeks later.
With files from The Canadian PressSenators put Heatley trade on back burner

The Ottawa Senators confirmed Thursday that the Dany Heatley deal is off the table вЂ" at least for now.
Heatley, who has asked to be traded, refused to waive his no-trade clause after the Senators agreed to send him to the Edmonton Oilers in return for forwards Andrew Cogliano and Dustin Penner and defenceman Ladislav Smid.
The Senators tried to finalize the trade in time to avoid paying Heatley a $4-million US bonus due him on July 1, but the disgruntled sniper waited until the deadline had passed before nixing the proposed swap.
Asked where that leaves Heatley, Senators general manager Bryan Murray said: "Nowhere. He is an Ottawa Senator."
Oilers management reportedly went so far as to meet with Heatley at his summer home in Kelowna, B.C., hoping to sell the two-time 50-goal scorer on the move.
Now both teams find themselves back at square one.
"It is different now and I don't know if we will continue or not," the visibly miffed Murray said. "I will, I believe, during the day talk to [Oilers rookie GM] Steve Tambellini again but, very definitely, it is not the same deal as it was yesterday."
That's because the Senators were forced to pay the hefty bonus, which counts toward Heatley's salary cap hit of $7.5 million US next season.
"Not a lot of teams were interested in making an offer," Murray said. "The few that did were, in a couple of cases, not very good [and], in one case, very insulting for Dany Heatley's value.
"I took a deal that probably hockey-wise doesn't match for Dany Heatley. But I thought it was fair to allow the player to have an opportunity to move if that is what he wanted to do and we would stock our team with a couple of players that we feel we can upgrade over the course of a year here."
'We're left a little short at the moment'
Forced to commit $4 million US toward Heatley, whether he stays or not, tied Ottawa's hands somewhat as the NHL free-agent frenzy began Wednesday at noon ET.
"Money was tight and my thought going into the day was we would be getting three players for one player and I was still hoping, on top of that, to be able to get one other forward," Murray said. "So we're left a little short at the moment."
"I just hope that this doesn't stall our organization," Senators forward Jason Spezza noted. "We want to move forward.
"If he wants to come back, then we will accept him back and we will be a good team with him. But if he doesn't want to be here, he has to let us [unload him] and get some players to replace him."
Heatley, 28, has racked up 260 goals and 543 points in 507 games over seven NHL seasons since he was drafted second overall by the Atlanta Thrashers in 2000.
He had 39 goals and 72 points last season, but that output represented his lowest totals with Ottawa, which signed him to a six-year, $45-million US contract extension on Oct. 4, 2007.
"Certainly, I'm disappointed," Murray said. "There is no question that there was a commitment made both ways a couple of years ago that Dany would be here for a long part of his career.
"He is a good player and he is a good guy. He probably has not had the total advice that is needed to be a committed guy to Ottawa."
With files from The Canadian PressRCMP investigate after man dies following altercation in Metro Vancouver

Police in Burnaby, B.C., are investigating what they are calling a man's suspicious death Thursday morning.
Police say Alberto Morgadinho, 60, died at approximately 10 a.m. PT after getting into argument with the driver of a van near Meadow Avenue and Byrne Road.
The cause of death has not been released, but police said it appears Morgadinho died as a result of injuries he sustained in the altercation.
Dave Twaites, who worked for Morgadinho at Berto Contractors for six years, described him as a father figure.
"He was a great worker, the best boss you could ever have."
Twaites said he doesn't know why someone would try to hurt Morgadinho.
Police are asking for the public's help in finding the van believed to have been involved. It is described as an older-model Econoline, painted a flat red primer colour with a temporary licence in the window.
Police are asking anyone who may have seen the van or who witnessed the incident to contact the IHIT tip line at 1-877-551-4448.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Prioritize Your Life for Success
by: Jan Wallen
Today, it is hard to open an e-mail newsletter, a website, or an offline magazine and not see someone talking up the importance of time management.
The time management gurus are going out of their way to teach us how to set priorities in our work week, how to organize those priorities, and then finally stick to our priorities to get more done. I applaud their efforts.
Yet in all of the dozens of articles that I have read that speak of the importance and power of priorities in our work day, I have yet to see one person apply this principle to our lives outside of our jobs.
Let me show you how this is important. There are in fact 168 hours in a week. Of those 168 hours, we spend about 40 of them working, and we spend about 4 hours a week in transit to and from our jobs. As a result, we are spending just over one quarter of our lives taking care of business.
We spend approximately another 56 hours each week sleeping and another 7 hours grooming ourselves each week. Add to this the 7 hours we spend eating, and we are left with 54 hours in our week that no one is talking about.
I find it truly startling that people fill volumes talking about how to manage just over 25% of our week, and completely ignore another 33% of our week that is left to our free time pursuits.
Most times when I count down these numbers for people, they are dumbfounded to realize that they have more free time available to them than they spend actually working! Work seems such a prevalent portion of our lives that we fail to realize that we have lives beyond work.
So let me ask you a question. One third of your life is devoted to non-work related activities. What priorities have you set for yourself during these 54 non-work hours available each week? Okay, now let me take that same question one step further. Are you acting on these priorities each day? If I asked your children what priorities you have set for your own life, how would THEY respond?
So many people recognize a need to set priorities on the job. Yet most of these same people fail to place priorities on their lives. Why do people recognize the need for one and not the other? Some would say that the problem is rooted in not having God in their lives. But, even that falls far short of the truth.
Even Christians fall into this same rut. That seems to cancel out the argument about a lack of God in our lives.
The only argument that bears out in fact is that we pay more attention to giving our priorities lip service, than we do to finding the strength, determination, and integrity toward defining and then honoring any real priorities in our lives.
The Christian knows to place his priorities in the order of God, spouse, family, job and then finally hobbies. Yet human nature guides him down the road that lays waste to any priority he may set for himself while in church on Sunday mornings. Most of the other religions of the world teach these same principles as well, and still people of all faiths stumble down this same road without fail.
Priorities, like God, require a commitment in our lives. We must commit ourselves to establishing our priorities and then to meeting them one at a time. God, of course, should be the number one commitment you make to yourself. As through God, you will find the strength and fortitude to establish and meet each of your other priorities in life; priorities of spouse, family, and job, each in their proper order.
Romans 12:2 NIV
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
It is not enough to sit in church on Sunday mornings and pledge to make God the priority in your life. You must go to the further extreme. You must make a commitment in your life to make God the number one priority in your life. And then you must follow through on that commitment. Then and only then, will you find the abilities within yourself to reach beyond what you ever thought you were capable of doing, to commit yourself to setting priorities in your life, even outside of the work place, and to follow the commitment to your priorities with the fulfillment of your goals.
If you do not have God in your life, I encourage you to meet Him so that you to may experience the joy and fulfillment of the renewing of your mind, as so many of us have experienced. If God is only in your life on Sunday mornings, I encourage you to reach into your heart, past the lip service that you are offering, and finally make the commitment to put God as the top priority in your life.
In conclusion, I applaud each of you who make the commitment to manage your time and priorities in the work place. It is my hope that this article has opened your eyes to the part of your life that is bigger than work, the 33% of your life that is spent doing non-work related activities. Spend them well.