Saturday, August 22, 2009
Tips To Get Your House Ready For a New Puppy
by: George Crozier
It's Christmas and you have decided to give that special someone a pet puppy as gift. You have done all your homework in selecting the proper breed with the right characteristics and temperament.
You have visited numerous breeders and pet shops and have found just the right puppy. You choose an adorable playful healthy puppy that will make the perfect companion.
Well, it's not enough to just bring the new family member home.
You need to get your house ready for the new addition. Remember that pups are like babies, wanting to explore all parts of your house.
How do you know your house is safe and ready for your new pet?
Check for these:
1. Clear your house of poisonous items: Have you cleared your house of all poisonous items and taken them out of your pup's reach? If you haven't, now's the time to put away cleaners, laundry detergents, bleach, disinfectants, insecticides, cleaning fluid, fertilizers, mothballs and antifreeze in cabinets or high up on shelves. An adventurous growing pup will be sure to jump high on to your shelves to find out what's there.
2. Uproot all life-threatening plants: Do you have life-threatening plants at home? Apricot pits, spinach and tomato vines are dangerous to your pup. You can ask your vet to identify more such plants that could affect your pet's health and life. An excellent resource on the web is to visit for a detailed listing of poisonous houseplants. If you suspect the pup may have been poisoned with the wrong plant, contact the Animal Poison Control Center 888-4ANI-HELP (888-426-4435).
3. Put away dangerous objects: Are electrical cords and tools hanging and lying around? If there are such dangerous objects lying around, pick them up and put them away.
4. Supervise the puppy: Don't let your pup be unsupervised whether inside or outside the house. Also, remember to keep the pup away from balconies, upper porches and high decks or they may just slip through the openings and fall.
5. Keep our toilet covered: Puppies sometimes like to play in the toilet bowl water. This is harmful for the pup as they may swallow the toilet cleanser.
6. Get sharp objects out of the way: Put away all sharp objects such as sharp twine, sewing needles and pins far away from your puppy's reach. If they swallow these objects, they can harm their mouth and internal organs.
7. Don't tie ribbons round the pup's neck: They may chew it and this can lead to digestive problems or choke them if the ribbon gets caught in something.
8. For plant nibblers: If the pup tends to nibble on grass, don't worry, this is natural. But if they take this habit forward and nibble on certain other plants, this could affect your pet's health and life.
These simple precautions will help ensure the safety of your new puppy as you welcome your new family member into your home.
Other helpful information can be found at
Analytic Overlay ... Missing Out On What Truly Is! by: Edward B.
The South Island is home to the Southern Alps and some great skiing and snow boarding opportunities.Christchurch is the busiest city in the South Island and also offers an international airport, with flights connecting directly to a lot of overseas destinations. The Sumner Beach, Gondola, Avon river and Cashmere hills are the main attractions in Chistchurch.
Monday, August 17, 2009
My Daughter Manteee
by: Aron Wallad
My daughter Manteee (Samantha) has shown me a path that I like traveling. She has been and will continue to be an inspiration in my life. Her fearless nature and competitive qualities have swelled my heart. I am so lucky to have her as my daughter.
She loves playing softball with the spirit that I had when I played.
Her competitive nature shows up in many facets of the game. As a second baseman she dives for groundballs that have a chance of getting to the outfield. She races for fly balls and pop ups that she must get and usually does get. While batting she will take one for the team. She will allow a hard pitched ball to hit her so she can get on base. She will stand up to any pitcher, no matter how hard they throw, to get her swings in. On the bases is where she is fearless. Diving or sliding into a base with no apparent concern for her body has often scared me. Taking the the extra base when most girls just stand around has earned her a thumbs up from her coaches.
She has stepped in and played against players, in some tournaments, that are five to six years older than her. Some of these girls are over six feet tall. My daughter is five feet two inches if we put her on a stretching table. Her lack of height has been made up by her determination.. Starting for her high school team as a Freshman was quite an accomplishment. What was even better was that her coach favors Juniors and Seniors because they have more experience.
Baseball and softball have been a large part of my life. Writing this e-zine about my daughter has been a pleasure. She has made her dad proud.I feel like I am glowing inside when I watch her play.I feel like I am the luckiest father on earth.
My fantasy baseball story has come to reality through my daughter. I wanted one of my children to excel in baseball. She is the one that has carried the ball and bat. She may or may not want to continue her career after High School. That is up to her. But for now I am able to watch, admire and feel proud.
I have admired Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Willie Mays and Derek Jeter to name a few of players that impressed me. My daughter has tied Derek Jeter as one of my all time favorites. They are both on my top ten list.
To see more inspiring and heartwarming stories Go here now.
See for yourslef.
Just a short monorail ride to the Magic Kingdom, it spreads along the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon, offering spectacular views of Cinderella's Castle and the Wishes fireworks display. You'll also be treated to some of Disney's very best restaurants along with two sophisticated pools, a crescent white sand beach, a full-service health club and spa, tennis courts, and sophisticated shopping.
This condition is caused by the lens in the eye becoming less and less flexible as we age. Unfortunately, most of us will need corrective lenses and even bifocals at some point as this condition worsens.Until recently, bifocal wearers had few options when choosing corrective eyeware.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Beat the House with this Supabets Blackjack Strategy
by: Kent Clarke
In the game of blackjack, the final hand you hold can only be one of the following - a blackjack, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 or less, or bust. If you bust, you have lost, whereas if you hold blackjack the worse case scenario is a tie with the dealer with the best case scenario being you get paid a bonus of 1.5 times your stake. You probably realize that the chances of winning if you stand on your 17 - 21 are very important, so what are they? Not as good as you might like!
Here's an example stand on 17 in a 6 deck game (the dealer must stand on 17). You are probaqly thinking that's a good hand and are happy to happy to have 17. The statistics prove though, that you will lose more often than win if the dealer shows any face card except a 6. The most money is lost in this scenario when the dealer shows a 9, the least when the dealer shows a 4 or a 5. Make a mental note - you only stand a fighting chance when the dealer has a 6 showing. Only in THIS case will you have a statistical chance of winning money in the long run. You will now be wondering how you can make money, given these facts. You can't. If you hit a hard 17 you will expreience mounting losses, so the wise course of action is simply to stand. Of course, often you can stand on 17 and still win a hand but the numbers add up inexorably - over time you will end up losing more money than you win UNLESS the dealer shows a 6. Standing on 17 is not a good idea!
Now you know that 17 is actually not a good hand, you have probably already realized you should never stand on soft 17 (instead you should either hit or double down). There is a further disadvantage too, when the dealer hits soft 17, as follows. Imagine you stand with 18. This has GOT to be better than standing on 17, right? Yes, but the improvement in your odds might surprise you. With an 18, and over the long run you are going to make money when the dealer shows a 2 to 8 face card. You will still actually LOSE money when the dealer's showing a 9, 10 or Ace. For this reason you should never stand, but should always hit a soft 18 if the dealer shows a 9, 10, or Ace.
If we run statistical 'Monte Carlo' analysis of Black Jack, we find that in the imaginary case of you ALWAYS having 18, the surprising fact is that you would LOSE an average of about 65 cents for every $100 you bet. 18 ain't such a great hand! Human psycology is what makes us think the opposite - 18 is 'nearly 19', and 19, or course, is 'nearly 20'. An 18, in the subconscious mind, is therefore 'nearly 21'!! What about 19? Can we regularly stand on 19 and win money in the long run? 19 MUST be a winning hand! The answer is... Yes, except if the dealer shows a 10 or Ace. If that is the case, your 19 will still cause you to lose money in the long run. Hard to believe, huh? When you get up to 20 you are basically in the money. This hand will make you money in the long run whatever the dealer holds, even including an Ace. As 20 is such a phenomenally strong hand, NEVER split it 10 10 (and likewise an Ace 9 should never be doubled). It's a winning hand - and if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
This brings us to the statistical realization that over 2 thirds of your blackjack winnings at will come from these 2 hands (Ace 10 and 10 10). Further down the chain, the bulk of the rest of your winnings will come from only 5 more hands - 11, 10 9, 10, Ace 9, and Ace 8. That's why you must burn in the strategies for these hands because they are the ones that will make you money. If we are talking multiple decks always double down on 11 if the dealer is showing 10 or less. The general case - always double 10 if the dealer is showing 9 or less. Always stand on hard and soft 19. Always stand on soft 18, except if the dealer is showing a 3 through 6, where you should double down. Always hit when the dealer is showing a 9, 10 or Ace but stand on 2, 7, and 8.
Now the bad news - the following hands are responsible for the vast majority (almost 85%!) of your losses. Beware of hard 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. The hard 12 through 16 hands are long term loseing hands whatever strategy you adopt. The overall message? Gear the basic playing strategy into your head so you can play it without thinking - know what to do when the winning hands appear. Use money management to supplememnt this - bet more when the deck is still heavy in tens and Aces (card counting per se is frowned on, of course, but you sould always have some grasp on what's already been played!). This is the simplest way to turn the blackjack odds in your favour, and ensure you leave the casino with more money than you went in with! Good luck!
Winter Safety in the Mountains. by: M. Elliott Snow-topped mountains look beautiful but they can be death-traps for the unprepared hiker or hill walker.
According to Cathay Hotels (Fiji) general manager Elain Barrett-Power, "Tubakula Beach Bungalows has long had a policy of minimal interference with the natural marine and coastal environment and does not offer tourist-oriented watersports in the lagoon; this means that the corals will be able to re-generate undisturbed."At the Saweni Beach Apartment Hotel, north of Nadi Airport, the 12 one-bedroom apartments have been fully renovated with new beds and modern kitchens. This quiet property will appeal to mature travelers or couples and families in search of a peaceful retreat.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Proper Diet For Your Dog
by: Jack Russell
The dietary regimen is an important aspect of survival. The objective of dietary management is to meet the basic nutritional requirements of the individual with proper proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in a well-balanced diet that will promote optimal body weight.
Generally, these dietary regimens are employed to human beings. However, with the growing fondness to dogs, most dog owners and veterinarians recommend that dietary regimen should likewise be implemented on dogs.
Like humans, dogs need the right combination of the basic food groups in order to have a healthy life span. Dogs also need to be regulated on the kinds of food that they eat or else they would end up being obese as well.
Included in the dog's dietary regimen are the proper minerals and vitamins. These essential health items should be well incorporated into the dog's daily needs in order to have a healthy body.
With proper minerals and vitamins, dogs will be able to maintain shiny, healthy-looking coat.
So, for people who want to know how to prepare the right diet for their dogs, here are some tips to guide them through:
1. Meat should not be the only food incorporated in the dog's diet.
In reality, dogs are carnivorous. The dog's body is especially inclined to generate growth and energy from meat products. However, dogs need fiber too to help them digest their foods properly and carbohydrates to provide them the added energy that they need.
So, it would be better if dog owners will feed their dogs every day with the usual dog foods available in the market and give them occasionally real foods where meat, fibers, and carbohydrates are present.
2. Dogs need minerals and vitamins.
Like humans, dogs need complex combinations of minerals and vitamins. These are needed to maintain the luster and shine in their coats and to provide them with healthy gums and teeth.
Lack of minerals and vitamins supplement will result to deficiencies of certain types that could be really difficult to deal with, such as extra dry or super oily skin, tummy problems, frail bones, low-weight, and worst cases are death.
Like humans, these dietary supplements are needed to give the dogs the extra needed nutrients in order to keep them healthy.
3. Real meal treats
Contrary to most popular beliefs, dogs love the real food more than their typical dog foods. Hence, whenever their owners will give them real food, they would consider them as treats.
So, it is best for the dog owners to include their dogs in their meal planning. With real food, dogs will be able to generate the needed nutrients their bodies need.
4. Mixed foods
Most people tend to think that deciding whether to give dogs moist or dry foods is a matter of preference. In reality, it is not. This is because mixing different kinds of foods is actually the best diet owners could give to their dogs.
Giving dogs variety of foods, nutritional value, and texture are the real diet meal dogs really need.
5. Greens are needed by the dogs.
A well-balanced diet for the dogs includes green leafy vegetables too. Even if dogs are carnivorous by nature, they also need the right amount of greens to provide them with additional nutrients that are only available in green leafy foods.
No wonder why dogs sometimes chew on grass. This goes to show that dogs really need some greens to provide their body with a well balanced diet.
Indeed, there are no hard or fast rules when it comes to balanced diets for the dogs. However, it is still important to note the needed food groups that should be incorporated in the dog's diet.
Best of all, dog owners should always consult their dog's veterinarians especially on things like health and diet supplements for their dogs. The veterinarian knows what foods should be included in the dog's meal and what foods should be avoided. Dogs, like humans, should not be fed with junk foods like sugary sweet sodas. These will only make them fat without the needed nutrients.
Whenever something goes out offhand, it is always bets to consult the veterinarians. As they say, veterinarians know best when it comes to the dog's care.
The Care and Feeding of Your Clear Vinyl Boat Windows by: James "Doc" Lewis Strataglass®, Lexan®, Plexiglass®, Isenglass, Crystal Clear, Eisenglass, etc. Whatever you call it, it all comes from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which has certain definite characteristics.
The Concept of Value in Sports Betting! by: Daniel B. King In sports betting you need to make sure that your bets (and trades) are good value in order to make a profit.
Friday, August 7, 2009
My Dog is Lost! What Should I Do Now...
by: Moses Chia
Your dog is lost. You are worried and clueless on how to get started to bring your lost dog home. Follow these tips here and I'm sure it will increase your chances of finding your lost dog.
1. Make sure that your dog is actually lost – Search your house and back yard completely first. Your dog might just be too distracted by his new found toy in the yard.
2. Search around your neighborhood. Most dogs don't usually wander off far from their house.
3. Use your voice – Call out his name when finding your lost dog. It is a more useful searching tool than your eyes. Dogs can hear a lot better than we do and the distance from which dogs can hear things is four times further than man.
4. Ask around during the search – Talk to people especially people walking their dog, because they are the group to be most concern and take notice with a wandering dog.
5. Alert your neighbors and people in your neighborhood that your dog is missing. You can put up poster at eye level and in areas where people frequent. You can also E-mail your friends to keep a "lookout" for your dog.
6. Put up or distribute useful information. A poster with a large "Lost Dog" and "Reward" heading might be most eyes catching. Also remember to include your dog's name, breed, color, distinct features (if any) and ways to contact you like your phone number.
7. Call local shelters and pet related places within a 100 miles radius of your house. Leave your contactable number with them so that they can reach you if your dog turns up. Visit these places if possible to pass them a poster of your lost dog so that it can reach out to more people.
8. Post lost dog ads on the internet - With the ever increase use of the net. A lot of people have found their pets through this avenue. You can start off with and Find more lost pet ads posting site on the search engine - Key in 'find lost dog' or 'lost dog ads'.
9. Beware of money scams. There are people who are out to cheat you out of your money. Knowing that you are worried, it's easy for these people to take advantage of you in many different ways. Think logically and ask for advice if necessary before you give someone money to return your dog.
10. Don't give up easily. Dogs have been known to find their way back home after being lost for several months. Your dog might be just one of them!
Before you lost your beloved dog, it's good to take measures to ensure that YOU can be located if your lost dog is found - An ID dog tag would usually be the most efficient and important form of ID for your dog.
Regaining Manhood through Cialis by: Andrew Pertot "He to command and she to obey, he for the sword and for the needle she"Man can sustain anything except for a blot on his manliness, its one thing where he can not compromise. A question raised on manliness shatters his self esteem and leaves him in an unanswerable position.
Offering inspiration for travellers, each itinerary is a complete package. The accommodations may not have satellite TV or air-conditioning - but they offer an unforgettable experience.
Lillooet, B.C., fire evacuees return home

People began streaming back to their homes by the thousands in Lillooet, B.C., Thursday after a four-day forest fire evacuation order was lifted.
The Mount McLean wildfire still covers about 3,800 hectares, and at one point was less than one kilometre from the town but fire officials said it had stabilized thanks to the work of firefighters and some cooler weather.
Although the official evacuation order for about 2,500 people was rescinded, the residents remained under an evacuation alert.
"We just thought it was going to go," a tearful Babe Smith told CBC News as she and her husband stood in their kitchen in Lillooet once again.
"But we'd let go of things, you do, you let go," Smith said. "That's why I'm so grateful to be back."
"Well, it's better than sleeping in my truck," another man said, when asked how he liked the idea of getting home.
The local RCMP detachment said returning townspeople had reported two cases of homes being broken into during the evacuation, but police could not immediately confirm anything had been stolen.
Another 360 people have also been allowed to return home north of Kelowna, but some 2,100 remain under an evacuation order because of the danger of the Terrace Mountain fire near Fintry.
Officials estimated that fire is 40 per cent contained, but it's unclear when the remaining evacuees will be allowed to return home.

An evacuation order has also been lifted for 50 people in Brookmere, south of Merritt, although they will also remain on evacuation alert.
Another 70 residents in the area remain under an evacuation order.
The residents were ordered out on Sunday because of the Brook Creek fire, which covers 2,100 hectares. Officials estimate that blaze is 80 per cent contained.
Fires threaten phones, electricity
More than 60 homes in the Bella Coola Valley remained on evacuation order Thursday, with another 25 on evacuation alert, because of the Nuxalk fire, which is reported to be still out of control and uncontained.
Another fire in the Bella Coola Valley is threatening a communications station in Tweedsmuir Provincial Park.
Officials say if the station is consumed, it could shut down all phone and cellular communication in the area, cutting off emergency personnel.
Officials say crews are ready to protect the station if the fires moves closer.
Meanwhile, a fire near Gold River on Vancouver Island has grown to 170 hectares and is threatening to cut off power to more than 8,000 people.
The Antler Lake fire вЂ" just 20 per cent contained вЂ" is 500 metres from power lines that provide electricity to people on the North Island.
BC Hydro has sprinklers set up near the power lines and says it will shut off electricity if the fire burns too close.
Officials said Wednesday there were an estimated 824 fires burning in the province.
There have been a total of 2,300 blazes in B.C. so far this year, burning an estimated 79,000 hectares of forest.
Pangnirtung prepares own pandemic plan
Hamlet officials in Pangnirtung, Nunavut, say they've stopped waiting for territorial health officials to tell them how to deal with the swine flu pandemic, opting instead to develop their own plan.
Officials in Pangnirtung and other communities say they still have not received any formal communication from the Nunavut Health Department on how to deal with swine flu, even though the H1N1 virus was first confirmed in the territory in late May.
With the possibility that swine flu may hit hard this fall, the community of about 1,300 people has decided not to wait any longer.
'Get organized as best we can'
"Given that lack of direction, we're proceeding at the community level to get organized as best we can," senior administrative officer Ron Mongeau told CBC News on Thursday.
Mongeau said the hamlet has formed a pandemic response committee, which has already met twice. It will meet again Monday.
"We've assigned tasks to each of the committee members to put together basically databases that will help us delineate all the support that's available in the community," he said.
"So that could range from heavy-equipment officers, municipal service drivers, people with radio and TV expertise, [Canadian] Rangers, Junior Rangers вЂ" all of those groups in the community, we're putting together a database of everybody."
Mongeau said concerns about the H1N1 pandemic will likely be a major topic among municipal officials at the Nunavut Association of Municipalities' meeting later this month in Cambridge Bay.
Pandemic plan being updated
As of Wednesday, Nunavut has 496 lab-confirmed cases of swine flu, including one death.
The territorial government does have a pandemic plan, created in 2006. It states that senior health officials must regularly communicate with senior administrators in all of Nunavut's 25 communities when there is a flu outbreak.
The plan also says the government must ensure all communities have specific pandemic flu response plans.
After municipal officials first raised concerns last month that they haven't been informed about the territory's swine flu strategy, health officials said they were updating the pandemic plan.
Premier Eva Aariak, who's meeting with other Canadian premiers this week at the Council of the Federation meeting in Regina, maintains that Nunavut has a good handle on the H1N1 situation.
"In Nunavut, we are well into informing our communities," Aariak said. "We produced updates on the situation on a weekly basis through news releases, and so on."
Mary Simon, president of the national Inuit organization Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, joined other aboriginal leaders in calling on Canada to introduce tougher measures to manage swine flu in Inuit and First Nations communities.
Simon called for a national Inuit-specific plan to deal with swine flu outbreaks in remote Inuit communities, almost all of which are accessible only by air.
Pakistan militant leader dead: Taliban

As Taliban officials confirmed that notorious militant leader Baitullah Mehsud has died in a U.S. air strike, Pakistani government authorities headed to the site Friday in an effort to get confirmation of the death.
Kafayat Ullah, an aide to Mehsud, told The Associated Press that Mehsud and one of his wives were killed by a U.S. attack on Wednesday but declined to provide further details.
"I confirm that Baitullah Mehsud and his wife died in the American missile attack in South Waziristan," Ullah said.
Three Pakistani intelligence officials have also said Mehsud is believed to have died in an air strike at the home of his father-in-law in Nardusai in South Maziristan. A U.S. intelligence official also said there were strong indications that Mehsud had died, including communications interceptions.
Pakistani intelligence officials reported Friday there are indications that Taliban factions may also be holding a council meeting on Friday to choose a new leader to replace Mehsud.
Need ground verification
Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said although there is intelligence information indicating the death, authorities are heading into the lawless tribal region along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan where Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders are believed to be hiding.
"To be 100 per cent sure we are going for ground verification," Qureshi said.
Mehsud's body is believed to be buried near the strike site but no official has yet seen the body because the area remains under Taliban control, officials said.
Several unnamed Taliban sources have said that Mehsud was wounded in the attack but did not die. Others have the leader was not in the house at the time.
Mehsud, the head of the Tehrik-e-Taliban militant group, has been blamed for staging suicide attacks in Pakistan and planning assassinations against the Pakistani government, including the killing of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. He has denied being responsible.
Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik has confirmed that one of Mehsud's two wives died in Wednesday's attack.
Conflicting reports
"Yes, a lot of information is pouring in from that area that he's dead but I'm unable to confirm unless I have solid evidence," Malik told reporters on Friday.
A local tribesman, who also spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity, said Mehsud had been at his father-in-law's house being treated for kidney pain, and had been put on a drip by a doctor, when the missile struck. The tribesman claimed he attended the Taliban chief's funeral.
If Mehsud's death is confirmed, it would be a major boost to Pakistani and U.S. efforts to eradicate the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
In March, the U.S. State Department authorized a reward of up to $5 million US for the militant chief and an increasing number of U.S. air strikes have targeted Mehsud-related sites.
The U.S. sees him as a danger to the war effort in Afghanistan, largely because of the threat he is believed to pose to nuclear-armed Pakistan.
The U.S. and Pakistan will conduct DNA testing on the body believed to be Mehsud's, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing an unnamed U.S. defence official. The tests will use DNA samples taken from Mehsud's family members, and results could take anywhere from days to weeks, the newspaper reported.
With files from The Associated PressSunday, August 2, 2009
Dog Training With A Training Collar Or Choke Collar
by: Waylon Harvey
There are a variety of names that go under the broad heading of "training collar". Some of them are --- choke collar, choke chain, training collar, correction collar and slip collar. These are all training collars and are used by professionals and amateur trainers alike.
Training collars are effective tools if they are used properly. Here are a few thoughts to apply when using training collars:
Does it fit? A properly fitted collar makes the collar easier to use and a lot safer for the dog. Determining if the training collar is the right size is relatively easy. The ideal size training collar should fit snugly, yet comfortably over the dog's head. It is important that the training collar not fit too tightly, but it should not be too loose either. A training collar that is too tight will be too hard to put on and off. On the other hand, a training collar that is too loose can accidentally fall off of the dog's head when it lowers its head. The collar should also not be too long.
It is best to measure the dog's neck with a tape measure, then add 2 to 3 inches to that measurement. So if your dog has a neck 12" in diameter, you would want to buy a training collar that is 14" in length. Chain slip collars are generally sized in two inch increments.
* Has it been put on correctly? Put it on right and it will be more effective and less dangerous.
* Is it being used correctly? Don't use the collar as punishment. Rather, use it only as a sharp reminder to the dog about their behavior. Use short sharp jerks of the collar, not constant pressure. Using constant pressure could be dangerous to the dog.
* Is it the right weight for your dog? In addition to the weight, the size of the links should also be appropriate for your dog's size and weight.
* Is the collar placed correctly? It is important to properly place the collar on the dog. When fitting a training collar, the part of the chain which is connected to the leash should be on the top of the dog's neck. With this type of arrangement, the collar releases the instant the leash is loosened. Training collars work by making the collar tight and loose in a fast manner. Tightening the collar is the first part of the correction, and making it loose is the second part of the correction.
If the part of the training collar that is attached to the leash is not on the top of the dog's neck, the collar can still be made tight, but it will not release back to a loose state easily. This constant pressure on the dog's neck initiates a counter response on the part of the animal, and the dog will quickly learn to pull and strain against the leash.
Make sure you purchase a collar that is both well made and strong. This is a vital step to the safety of yourself and your dog.
What do you do if the collar breaks? First, don't panic! For the fist couple of minutes your dog won't even know they have an unexpected freedom. If you continue to pretend that the collar is still attached, you can usually get control of the dog back.
If your collar should break, you can usually make a quick replacement by making a "slip lead". Just take the snap of the leash and run it through the handle and then slip the loop you formed over the dog's head. Not perfect, but sure solves the immediate problem.
It is because the guitar is the handiest musical instrument that could stand on its own. A group can enjoy music with just a guitar even without the accompaniment of winds and percussions.
How to Find a Certified Dog Trainer by: Katie Brandt Are you in the market for a dog trainer? Do you want your dog to learn from a top notch certified dog trainer? You may have dreams of seeing your dog in professional dog competitions and shows. Therefore, you need to have your dog trained by a certified dog trainer to ensure the best results.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Top Twenty Weight Loss Tips, Tricks and Solutions
by: Roy Barker
Here are some everyday, helpful hints to get you started, keep you going, and help you stick to your diet.
1. Never leave home "starving." Always have a light snack before eating dinner in a restaurant, such as a piece of fruit, a glass of juice or a carrot.
2. Don't go food shopping on an empty stomach! You'll be tempted to buy everything in sight.
3. Don't be tempted by treats. Store them out of view, off counter-tops and as out-of-reach as possible.
4. Don't eat in front of the TV. Watching the boob tube -- instead of watching your plate -- lulls you into overeating. Also avoid being tempted by food and snack commercials.
5. Make it a rule in your house to confine your meals to the dining room or kitchen table! Never eat standing up! This leads to mindless snacking.
6. Think before you drink. Alcohol adds lots of calories, but no nutrients. Also, it weakens your willpower to avoid the wrong food choices. Hangovers can cause wicked cravings for fatty or high carbohydrate foods that can sabotage any attempt at weight loss.
7. Fill up on soup first. Begin every meal with non-cream hot soup; it forces you to eat slowly and fills you up so you won't overeat.
8. Take time to taste your food. Don't gobble food down! Rushing through your meals doesn't give your brain the time that it needs to signal your body that you are full.
9. When dining out, request sauces and low-calorie dressings on the side.
10. There is no law that requires you to finish everything on your plate.
11. Prepare a shopping list (with menu ideas in mind) and stick to the list. Avoid being tempted by bargains that grocery stores place on the outer aisles and at the back and the front of the store. The healthiest foods are usually in the long narrow aisles.
12. Use non-stick pans to reduce the need for cooking with fat.
13. If you must use oil, try a flavorful one like olive or sesame oil. Now remember, a little goes a long way! Make just a spritz of oil go even further by buying a Misto. A Misto is an aerosol can that you can fill with a good fat such as olive or canola oil.
14. A pinch of grated cheese or blue cheese will provide a flavorful kick without adding a lot of calories to a salad or grain dish.
15. If you cook in large quantities for your family, store leftovers in individual serving size containers. This is a way to practice portion control for yourself so you don't eat too much at one sitting.
16. Nibbling off someone else's plate may seem harmless -- but those calories do add up!
17. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. A beverage before mealtime will also help you feel full faster and longer. Water also helps your body digest food, which is especially important now that you're eating a fiber rich diet.
18. Store really tempting treats in opaque containers or silver foil -- and stick them in the back of the refrigerator. Out of sight out of mind!
19. Are you stuffing yourself? If you have to loosen your belt a few notches after meals you're definitely eating too much!
20. Mashed bananas, prunes and apple sauce are great baking substitutes for fat, especially in bread, brownie and cake mixes.
Following Through by: Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 24, 2003My final divorce papers sit in front of me waiting for my signature.
Carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source during activity. It fuels the brain and nervous system, preserves protein while helping to burn fat.